Ep 95 Pauly Tee and His Little House Adventures
Original Airdate December 16, 2017
Enjoy our visit with Pauly Tee. Pauly has not only visited some of the normal Laura Ingalls Wilder homesites, but also hunted down places where the NBC TV series filmed. He shares with us the highlights of his trips and some information if you want to see them too. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/12/16/ep-95-pauly-tee-and-his-little-house-adventures Travel Times Christmas, Museums, and Living History
Original Airdate December 10, 2017
Christmas is an important holiday at museums. It often is the focus of some of the biggest events in the museum calendar. This is especially true about living history museums, historic villages, and house museums. Why should you brave the weather and the cold to go? What do you want to do to prepare to go? What is living history? Why is it a special Christmas experience? What do the Laura Ingalls Wilder homesites do for Christmas? Take a listen and you’ll learn. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/12/10/travel-times-christmas-museums-and-living-history Ep 94 Sandra Oliver and the Genealogy of a Recipe
Original Airdate November 17, 2017
Sandra Oliver, the former editor ofFood History Newsand master food historian, joins us to go through the history of recipes. What stories do your recipes tell? How can you stir up the history of a recipe? http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/11/17/ep-94-sandra-oliver-and-the-genealogy-of-a-recipe Ep 93 Little House on the Prairie Museum 2017
Original Airdate September 27, 2017
Join host Sarah Uthoff and her guest Kristin Schodorf of the Little House on the Prairie Museum in Independence, Kansas. Learn about Laura Ingalls Wilder, the history of the site and the exciting plans for the future. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/09/27/ep-93-little-house-on-the-prairie-museum-2017
Roving Report Laura Days Pepin Wisconsin 2017
Original Airdate September 9, 2017
I’m on the ground here in Pepin, Wisconsin. I’m ready to start a new day at Laura Days, the celebration of Laura Ingalls Wilder in her birthplace town of Pepin. Here about my trip up here, some travel warnings, and what I’ve seen so far. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/09/09/roving-report-laura-days-pepin-wisconsin-2017
Roving Report Laura Days Pepin Wisconsin 2017 Part 2
Original Airdate September 10, 2017
A report on my second day at Laura Days in Pepin, Wisconsin. Do you love all things “Little House”? Then Pepin’s Laura Days is for you. From the museum to the horse drawn wagon to the traditional craft demonstrations to visiting the cabin to a petting zoo to a major fiddle contest. This year’s second special guest is Renee Graef. Pepin’s Laura Days has something for everyone. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/09/10/roving-report-laura-days-pepin-wisconsin-2017-part-2
Roving Report Laura Days Pepin Wisconsin 2017 Part 3
Original Airdate September 18, 2017
I’ve been home a week, but I wanted to catch you up with the end of my trip. I want to leave a few last thoughts and Pepin and then move on to Spring Valley, Minnesota. As always I keep you up to date on what to see and where. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/09/18/roving-report-laura-days-pepin-wisconsin-2017-part-3 Ep 92 Laura Ingalls Wilder and the Butter Cow at the Iowa State Fair
Original Airdate August 20, 2017
Sarah Pratt is the artist of the butter cow for the Iowa State Fair and their special sculpture each year. At the 2017 fair, Pratt created a butter Laura Ingalls Wilder in honor of her 150th birthday. Tune in and find out all about the history of the butter cow, the Iowa State Fair, and what the Laura Ingalls Wilder display was like. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/08/10/ep-92-laura-ingalls-wilder-and-the-butter-cow-at-the-iowa-state-fair Ep 91 Carrie Ingalls Swanzey and Keystone SD
Original Airdate July 27, 2017
Although Laura Ingalls Wilder gets all the attention, her sisters are also part of the Ingalls family and just as much a part of the “Little House” World. Most people know that Laura and her Almanzo ended up in Mansfield, MO, but what happened to the other Ingalls sisters? We’ve had an episode about Carrie’s work as a newspaper woman, but tonight we’re going to examine Carrie’s life after that. In her time in Keystone, Carrie became a wife, a mother, and a leader of the community. Learn about her time in Keystone, South Dakota then and what you can see of her today now. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/07/27/ep-91-carrie-ingalls-swanzey-and-keystone-sd Ep 90 De Smet Event 2017
Original Airdate July 20, 2017
Hear all about our trip to De Smet, South Dakota for the De Smet Event 2017 in honor of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s 150th birthday. Previous De Smet events focused exclusively on researchers and authors, but this time two TV show cast members, Dean Butler and Alison Argrim (Almanzo and Nellie respectively) headlined. The other focus was the on-going Pioneer Girl Project. William T. Anderson (Laura expert), Nancy Koupal (Pioneer Girl Project editor), and Judy Thompson (Cover illustrator). Join me for a full report about my trip and suggestions for things for you to do if you take a similar trip. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/07/20/ep-90-de-smet-event-2017 Travel Times Springfield Illinois
Original Airdate July 8, 2017
We’ll look at taking a trip to Springfield, Illinois. Without a master plan to, our family seems to end up in Springfield, Illinois every few years since I was about 8 years old. Even with all these trips we still haven’t seen everything there is to see. Springfield is unique. Besides being the headquarters of all things Abraham Lincoln, it is also the site of a major Frank Lloyd Wright house, lots of government related sites, the Illinois State Fair grounds, and plenty of stuff for Route 66. Tune in to figure out what you should see in Springfield. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/07/08/travel-times-springfield-illinois Ep 89 Dean Butler on De Smet Event 2017
Original Airdate June 28, 2017
Dean Butler is known the world over as Almanzo Wilder from the NBC TV series Little House on the Prairie. Although he has moved on to other things, he has generously continued to be a supporter of Little House fandom appearing at homesites, events, and even conferences about Laura Ingalls Wilder. He also produced two documentaries on the Wilder family and a series of extras for one of the DVD releases.
Butler last appeared on our show in 2014 in honor of the TV show’s 40th anniversary event in Walnut Grove MN. This time he’ll be talking about the second De Smet Event that was held during July 2017. Both he and Alison Arngrim (TV’s Nellie Oleson) will be speaking and signing autographs at the event. We’ve checked in with site director Tessa Flak and now we’ll get more word on what to look forward to with Dean. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/06/28/ep-89-dean-butler-on-de-smet-event-2017 Ep 88 Family Trip to Keystone Hitting the Laura Ingalls Wilder Sites
Original Airdate June 27, 2017
During June 2017 a group of extended family loaded up the rented van and headed west (well first a little east and north, but mostly west). We hit several stops along the way including the Spam Museum, the Jolly Green Giant, the Laura Ingalls Wilder stops in De Smet SD, and Wall Drug (a hidden Laura site). Finally we pulled into Keystone – long time home of Carrie Ingalls Swanzey and short time home of Mary Ingalls. First things being first we visited the Keystone Area Historical Society where they have been making some big changes. I crossed off the 20 year goal of riding the 1880 train, hit Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. The next day we panned for gold before heading east, made a quick stop in Rapid City, and then checked out the Corn Palace. Finally we made it home. I’ll run you through what we actually did, what we were sorry we had to skip, and some great restaurants where we ate. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/06/27/ep-88-family-trip-to-keystone-hitting-the-laura-ingalls-wilder-sites Ep 87 De Smet Event 2017 with Tessa Flak
Original Airdate May 31, 2017
It’s the 150th anniversary of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday this year and they are celebrating in De Smet, South Dakota, Laura’s Little Town on the Prairie. The big event was Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16, 2017. Special guests will include prominent Laura authority William T. Anderson, Nancy Koupal of the South Dakota Historical Society Press, Dean Butler and Alison Arngrim – Almanzo Wilder and Nellie Oleson on the NBC TV show, and Judy Thompson who designed the cover art of both Pioneer Girl and Pioneer Girl Perspectives. Join host Sarah Uthoff and De Smet Memorial Director, Tessa Flak as we get all the details of this event. Join this special Little House on the Prairie or rather Little Town on the Prairie event. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/05/31/ep-87-de-smet-event-2017-with-tessa-flak Ep 86 Lynne Belluscio and Maple Syrup History and Practice
Original Airdate March 31, 2017
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she learns about maple syrup tradition and creation. Lynne Belluscio’s family has collected and processed maple syrup for years. Get the full story behind making maple sugar and maple syrup, plus the story behind the dance at Grandpa’s in Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Maple Syrup played a vital role in the history of the county’s diet providing a cheap sweetener. We’ll also talk about maple syrup today. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/03/31/ep-86-lynne-belluscio-and-maple-syrup-history-and-practice Ep 85 Nancy Koupal of South Dakota State Historical Society Press
Original Airdate March 15, 2017
Our guest is Nancy Koupal of the South Dakota State Historical Society Press. We’ve got a lot to cover this time. Koupal will discuss her past connection with Laura including finding the famous Ma and Pa portraits, her work bringing out “Pioneer Girl” and the upcoming “Pioneer Girl Prespectives,” and this April’s Laura Ingalls Wilder themed conference. There’s always more that you can dig into when it comes to Laura Ingalls Wilder and we’ll have a lot of fun doing that this episode. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/03/15/ep-85-nancy-koupal-of-south-dakota-state-historical-society-press Ep 84 John E. Miller and Laura Ingalls Wilder
Original Airdate February 16, 2017
John E. Miller is a Laura Ingalls Wilder expert. He is a frequent speaker at Laura conferences and was a past winner of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Legacy award. Miller was born near Mansfield in Missourit and spent most of his life in Brookings, near DeSmet, South Dakota.
His books include:
Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little Town
Looking for History on Highway 14
Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane: Authorship, Place, Time, and Culture
Join us as we talk about his books, his research, Laura Ingalls Wilder and the “Little House” books. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/02/16/ep-84-john-e-miller-and-laura-ingalls-wilder Ep 83 Linda Halpin Quilt Detecting With Laura Ingalls Wilder
Original Airdate February 23, 2017
Quilt expert Linda Halpin joins us to talk about the connection between Laura Ingalls Wilder and quilts. Most excitingly she is going to talk about her research about Doves in the Window, one of the quilt patterns Laura mentioned by name in the “Little House” books. She’ll also talk about workshops that you can take part in. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/02/23/ep-83-linda-halpin-quilt-detecting-with-laura-ingalls-wilder EP 82 Laura Ingalls Wilder’s On-Air Birthday Party 2017
Original airdate February 7, 2017
Welcome to our seventh annual on air birthday celebration for author and pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder. This year will be special because it’s Laura’s 150th Birthday so we have lots to celebrate. Laura fans are invited to call in and share either the story of how they became a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, their favorite Laura Ingalls Wilder related experience, or annual family traditions based on Laura. Here the stories of everyone who called in. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/02/08/ep-82-laura-ingalls-wilders-on-air-birthday-party-2017 Ep 81 Looking Ahead at Laura Ingalls Fandom 2017
Original Airdate January 30, 2017
What will happen in Laura Ingalls Wilder or Little House fandom during 2017? This is a BIG Laura Ingalls Wilder year because it’s the 150th anniversary of Laura’s birth. There are events scheduled, books coming out, and new products to buy. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/01/30/ep-81-looking-ahead-at-laura-ingalls-fandom-2017 Ep 80 Laura Ingalls Wilder Fandom Roundup 2016
Original Airdate January 7, 2016
Join us as we review what went on in Laura Ingalls Wilder fandom on the Little House on the Prairie this year. We mark six years of Trundlebed Tales podcasts with this episode. The first episode was broadcast Dec. 19, 2010 and also featured a round up of Laura fandom. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2017/01/07/ep-80-laura-ingalls-wilder-fandom-roundup-2016 Ep 79 July in Laura Ingalls Wilder Fandom 2016 and Beyond
Original Airdate August 6, 2016
July is always a big month in Laura Ingalls Wilder fandom. There are big events at almost all the homesite every year normally on the same weekends. Tune in and find out why July is important especially at the homesites.
After we talk about it general we’ll talk about what went on in July 2016 and specifically my two trips to DeSmet, South Dakota this year. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/08/06/ep-79-july-in-laura-ingalls-wilder-fandom-2016-and-beyond Ep 78 William Anderson and Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder –
Original Airdate June 20, 2016
William T. Anderson is the foremost Laura Ingalls Wilder authority. Wilder was a pioneer and author of the famous “Little House” book series. Anderson has written many books, booklets, and articles on both Wilder and on other historic topics. Anderson’s most recent project was collecting and editing the notable letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder. This will be the last major collection of previously unpublished Laura writings. Tune in for the full story. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/06/20/ep-78-william-anderson-and-selected-letters-of-laura-ingalls-wilder Ep 77 – Celebrate Reading Millbank by Mary J. Holmes
Originally aired June 6, 2016
Join our reading celebration. There is only one novel mentioned by name in the “Little House” series, Millbank by popular 19th century author Mary J. Holmes. The mention is in On the Banks of Plum Creek when Laura tries to “prove” she can read by reciting word for word what she had heard Ma read aloud from Millbank so many times. Have you ever wondered what that books was like? Tune in to hear me do a cold read of the first 30 minutes worth of the book. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/06/06/ep-77-celebrate-reading-millbank-by-mary-j-holmes
Learn more about the author: https://trundlebedtales.wordpress.com/2012/01/14/mary-j-holmes-famous-writer Ep 76 – Walnut Grove Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant
Originally Aired April 22, 2016
Join Daryl Hrdlicka longtime member of the cast and crew ofFragments of a Dreamthe Laura Ingalls Wilder pageant in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. He’ll give us the scoop. We’ll talk about how and why you should attend, about the history of the event, and what it’s like to be part of the awesome team that puts this event on each and every year.
There are currently three Laura Ingalls Wilder pageants and one Mary Ingalls pageant in production. The Walnut Grove version is the most “Hollywood” with fantastic special effects and a well written script that has been honed over the years. They also have the most direct connection with the “Little House on the Prairie” TV show through their use of special appearances by the actors from the show. Learn just what makes this outstanding Laura event tick and how you can take part. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/04/22/ep-76-walnut-grove-laura-ingalls-wilder-pageant Ep 74 – Tessa Flak New Director at De Smet South Dakota
Originally Aired March 16, 2016
Last year long time Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society of De Smet Cheryl Palmlund director resigned and Tessa Flak took over last fall. Join us as we talk with Tessa. We’ll look into her background and her plans for the future fo the Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society of De Smet. We’ll also look at the basics of a visit and some other vacation suggestions. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/03/16/ep-74-tessa-flak-new-director-at-de-smet-south-dakota Ep 73 – Laura Ingalls Wilder On Air Birthday Party 2016
Originally Aired February 7, 2016
Welcome to our sixth annual on air birthday celebration for author and pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder. Laura fans were invited to call in and share either the story of how they became a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, their favorite Laura Ingalls Wilder related experience, or annual family traditions based on Laura. Based on requests, I’m continuing it as an hour so you’ll have plenty of time to call in. We talked with Laura Camp from the Mansfield Pageant and livecasting the birthday event from Laura’s birthplace cabin. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/02/07/ep-73-laura-ingalls-wilder-on-air-birthday-party-2016 Ep 72 – Grant Wood Regionalist Artist
Originally Aired February 3, 2016
“American Gothic,” the frequently parodied painting of the old couple (really father and daughter) standing in front of a white farm house with a gothic style window holding a pitchfork, is one of the most recognizable paintings in the world. You know the painting, but what do you know about the artist? Wood was one of the school of Regionalist painters, but his art ranged from recycle art to murals to stain glass. Wood was born and raised and returned to work in Iowa. Tune in to learn about Wood’s life, his art, his Iowa connections, and a new display coming to the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/02/03/ep-72-grant-wood-regionalist-artist Ep 71 – Looking Ahead at Laura Ingalls Fandom 2016
Originally Aired January 9, 2016
What will happen in Laura Ingalls Wilder or Little House fandom during 2016? There are events scheduled, books coming out, and new products to buy. Catch this sneak peek. Also, feel free to call in and give your predictions or projects that you’re working on. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/01/09/ep-71-looking-ahead-at-laura-ingalls-fandom-2016 Ep 70 – Laura Ingalls Wilder Fandom 2015
Originally Aired January 1, 2016
Join us as we review what went on in Laura Ingalls Wilder fandom on the Little House on the Prairie this year. We mark five years of Trundlebed Tales podcasts with this episode. The first episode was broadcast Dec. 19, 2010 and also featured a round up of Laura fandom. Please look at it as an opportunity to check in with us. Think about calling in, commenting in the chatroom or sending me an e-mail with a comment before the broadcast. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2016/01/01/ep-70-laura-ingalls-wilder-fandom-2015 Ep 68 – Organizing Your Laura Ingalls Wilder Collection Part 2
Originally Aired May 23, 2015
We only got through the book organization last time, so join us for Part 2. As I often say in my presentations, it’s a DANGEROUS time to be a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan because there is just SO much merchandise out there. Pretty much whatever you want you can find it with either Laura Ingalls Wilder or Little House on it. You can even find unexpectedly odd things like a dogtag or a bobble-head doll. Where do you find all this stuff? It’s one of my post frequently asked questions at my programs so we’ll go over that too. So gather up your books, your stuffed Jacks, your Charlotte Dolls, and all your books, and listen up as we discuss how to organize your Laura Ingalls Wilder collection. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/05/23/ep-68-organizing-your-laura-ingalls-wilder-collection-part-2-1 Ep 67 – Organizing Your Laura Ingalls Wilder Collection Part 1
Originally Aired May 17, 2015
As I often say in my presentations, it’s a DANGEROUS time to be a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan because there is just SO much merchandise out there. Pretty much whatever you want you can find it with either Laura Ingalls Wilder or Little House on it. You can even find unexpectedly odd things like a dogtag or a bobble-head doll. Where do you find all this stuff? It’s one of my post frequently asked questions at my programs so we’ll go over that too. So gather up your books, your stuffed Jacks, and your Charlotte Dolls and listen up as we discuss how to organize your Laura Ingalls Wilder collection. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/05/17/ep-67-organizing-your-laura-ingalls-wilder-collection Ep 66 – Paul Revere’s Ride
Originally Aired April 19, 2015
In honor of April being Poetry Month and April 18, 2015 being the 240th Anniversary of Paul Revere’s famous ride, tonight’s special episode features both some information about the ride and an elecution style delivery of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s famous poem “Paul Revere’s Ride” as taken from the longer “Tales of a Wayside Inn.” Laura Ingalls Wilder fans will enjoy hearing an elecution style delivery like Laura’s teacher William Reed taught her in Burr Oak, Iowa which is believed to have helped influence her later writing style. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/04/19/ep-66-paul-reveres-ride Ep – 65 Animal Book World Read Aloud Day
Originally Aired March 5, 2015
In honor of World Read Aloud Day, I’m going to be reading from “Pa’s Big Green Animal Book” as described in the “Little House” books. I’ll feature the section about the Great Auk. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/03/05/animal-book-world-read-aloud-day Ep 64 – Almanzo Wilder On Air Birthday Party
Originally Aired February 14, 2015
Last year I had requests to do an episode for Almanzo’s birthday party, so I’m trying it out. Call in and share your favorite Almanzo stories, what you like best of Malone, Spring Valley, or De Smet. In honor of Almanzo’s appetite, your favorite stories about Little House food. Call in and share or share ahead of time. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/02/14/ep-64-almanzo-wilder-on-air-birthday-party Ep 63 – Laura Ingalls Wilder On Air Birthday Party 2015
Originally Aired February 7, 2015
Welcome to our fifth annual on air birthday celebration for author and pioneer Laura Ingalls Wilder. Laura fans are invited to call in and share either the story of how they became a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, their favorite Laura Ingalls Wilder related experience, or annual family traditions based on Laura. I was very pleased with the response the last two years and so we’re going to try it again. Based on requests last year, I’m extending it to an hour so you’ll have plenty of time to call in. Please consider calling in and sharing your story and if you missed it in 2014, start working on your story for 2015. If you want to share your story, but don’t want to talk on air, you can send a story to me ahead of time or in the chatroom live during the show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/02/08/ep-63-laura-ingalls-wilder-on-air-birthday-party-2015 Ep 62 – Looking Back 2014 Looking Ahead 2015
Originally Aired January 31, 2015
We’re going to combine two of our special annual programs. This time we’re going to look backward and relive the Laura Ingalls Wilder events of 2014. Then we’ll look ahead to what’s coming up in 2015. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/01/31/ep-62-looking-back-2014-looking-ahead-2015 Ep 61 – Hoover in West Branch
Originally Aired December 29, 2014
This is another combination Trundlebed Tales and Travel Times episode. This time we are going to take a look at West Branch, Iowa. Why are the Laura Ingalls Wilder/Rose Wilder Lane Papers held at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum in West Branch? What is a Presidential Library? How did the Hoover complex develop? Also, we’ll look at what to do if you visit today, what you can see, where you can stay and where you can eat. I think you’ll really love this episode from either the history or the travel angle. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/12/29/ep-61-hoover-in-west-branch Ep 60 – Travel Tips for Laura Ingalls Wilder Vacations
Originally Aired Thursday, October 30, 2014
Tonight we’re calling on fans and hope we get a lot of response. As people start planning their Laura Ingalls Wilder trips for next year we want to give them the best advice and we were counting on YOU! Thank you those of you who called in and give your best Laura related travel tip. Which route do you take? What’s your favorite Laura trip related discovery? Is there a cool store everyone should visit? Where’s the best play to stay? Which homesites are best for adults only? Which homesites are best with kids? Single stop or big circle route? Should you do back to back pageants? Plus any related tip or hint you can think up. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/10/31/ep-60-travel-tips-for-laura-ingalls-wilder-vacations
Roving Report Laura Days in Pepin WI 2014
Originally Aired September 30, 2014
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she reviews the recent Laura Days event in Pepin, WI. Whether you like sailing, Laura Ingalls Wilder, quilting, or fiddle playing you’ll enjoy Laura Days. Laura Days in Pepin WI will be held next year Sept. 12-13, 2015. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/09/30/roving-report-laura-days-in-pepin-wi-2014
Roving Report Mary Ingalls Pageant 2014
Originally Aired September 21, 2014
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she reports on last month’s Mary Ingalls Pageant in Vinton, Iowa. She reflects on the experience and gives advice for if you want to come next year. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/09/21/roving-report-mary-ingalls-pageant-2014
Roving Report Walnut Grove 2014 Part 1
Originally Aired July 25, 2014
Reporting live from Laura Ingalls Wilder Country check in with our reporter Sarah Uthoff as she has journeyed to Walnut Grove MN for the 40th Anniversary “Little House on the Prairie” cast reunion. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/07/25/roving-report-walnut-grove-2014-part-1
Roving Report Walnut Grove 2014 Part 2
Originally Aired August 30, 2014
Home from Laura Ingalls Wilder Country check in with our reporter Sarah Uthoff as she reports on the rest of her journey to Walnut Grove MN for the 40th Anniversary “Little House on the Prairie” cast reunion. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/08/30/roving-report-walnut-grove-2014-part-2
Episode 11 - Travel Times Living History
Originally aired May 20, 2012
Have you ever been to a living history museum? Do you know how to act when someone in first person talks to you? Where can you find living history sites? How can you get involved with living history? Learn about the regional and national organizations that support living history (Association of Living History Farms and Museums and Midwest Open-air Museums Coordinating Council) Join host Sarah S. Uthoff as she talks about her experiences with living history.http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2012/05/20/travel-times-living-history-museum
Episode 12 - Mankato, Minnesota
Originally aired July 2, 2012
***I have to apologize for some bad technical issues right at the beginning of this one. It clears up within a couple of minutes and then it is fine.
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she talks with Larissa Mrozek and Christine Nessler of the Mankato Convention and Visitors Center as we check in on all the things to do in Mankato. Mankato will be the host city for the LauraPalooza conference in mid-July. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2012/07/02/travel-times-mankato-minnesota
Episode 14 - Travel Times Disney
Originally aired March 2, 2013
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she talks with Richard M. Simms one of the biggest Walt Disney World fans on the planet as he gives the inside story on how to have the most fantastic Disney World vaction. From running a marathon to attending a food festival, travelling with adults or with a family to having a special Twitter account just to share his Disney adventures Richard's done it all so listen in for the full scoop. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/03/02/travel-times-disney
Episode 15 - Travel Times Conferences
Originally aired May 11, 2013
Have you ever attended a conference? How about one outside your professional focus? Attending conferences can be a lot of fun and interest. Learn conference jargon, what to look for, what it's going to cost, and what attending a different conference can mean for you. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/05/11/travel-times-conferences
Episode 16 - Travel Times Archeology Originally aired July 24, 2013
Join host Sarah Uthoff and Lynn M. Alex, recently retired Director of Education and Outreach for the State Archeologist of Iowa as she shares with us what happens on an archeological dig and how you can be involved. Alex has conducted research in the Midwest and Plains for 35 years. Her second book entitled Iowa's Archaeological Past, was published by the University of Iowa Press, 2000. Her particular interests include the late prehistoric cultures of the Plains and Midwest, archaeological manifestations of culture contact, fish bone analysis, and public education in archaeology. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/07/24/travel-times-archeology-dig
Episode 17 - Travel Times Historic Baseball
August 26, 2013 10:00 pm ET 9:00 pm CT, 8:00 pm MT, 7:00 pm PT
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she interviews Betsy Urven, manager of a historic baseball team. Historic baseball is where modern teams play by 19th century rules and it's a growing movement. Whether you're just interested in watching a game or you want to learn how to play yourself, take a listen and find out about this new old sport. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/08/27/travel-times-historic-baseball
Episode 18 - Travel Times Guatemala
Originally Aired September 3, 2013
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she talks to Kirkwood Community College President Mick Starcevich about the service learning trip he took to Guatemala with Kirkwood students. This service learning trip gave something to both sides the Kirkwood students and staff who traveled there and the people they helped build a new home. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/09/03/travel-times-guatemala
Episode 19 - Travel Times Couponing
Originally Aired October 25, 2013
Join host Sarah Uthoff as she talks with Mary Potter Kenyon author of Coupon Crazy: The Science, the Savings, and the Stories Behind America's Extreme Obsession. We'll talk about the history and culture behind couponing and how to get started getting the most from your coupons. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2013/10/25/travel-times-couponing Episode 20 - Travel Times Amana
Originally Aired March 23, 2014
Join host Sarah S. Uthoff as she gives an insider's account at eating in the Amana Colonies of Iowa. Named the top tourist attraction in Iowa multiple times, the Amana Colonies offers a unique experience that anyone living in Iowa or just passing through ought to experience. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2014/03/23/ep-20-travel-times-amana
Episode 22 - Travel Times Disney World Part 1 June 21, 2015 5:00 pm ET 4:00 pm CT, 3:00 pm MT, 2:00 pm PT This winter my family is going to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The planning has already begun and we're really excited. It's a lot different than when I last went in the 1980s. Tune in to catch up on what has changed in the planning process and what decisions we've made so far. You can follow our trip planning and then tune in after we get back to find out how it all worked. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/trundlebedtales/2015/06/21/travel-times-disney-world-part-1
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